Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Career, Right Here, Right Now

Wrote this in a response to a post on Twitter/Facebook (below) that a lot of artist friends of mine commented on.

Ok let me say this to everyone. I'm an academic. I believe in education. As some of you should know I already have my Bachelors Degree in film.

As most of you also know or should know I'm from New York. I've been trying to get into grad school in NY for film for a couple of years now ( it's way competitive). After this year though if I don't get in I might have to take "my talents to South Beach" LOL. JK on that note, but it's a school in Cali that I like.

I have made GREAT connections in Baltimore, but I have been creatively stifled for a myriad of reasons. In these last six months alone I have made some connections so good I can't even talk about them publicly, but I'm a DIRECTOR. I MUST DIRECT, I'm just waiting 4 the next right project.

I'm also not that cat to move to NY or Cali on a humble. I know you got to be "where the action is", but I'd rather be there for an actual opportunity academic or professional than just...a humble.

You must know that I'm also very spiritual. I know God has me in Baltimore right now for a reason, but I'm praying it's within his plan for me to leave. There's YOUR plan & GOD'S plan and your plan DON'T COUNT!